Chapter 76 I Fancy You

Aaron saw that Vanessa's head was about to blow up, hurriedly mollified her, 'I have a job that I want to do."

Vanessa glanced at him, 'Huh?"

'How about you arrange another job for Edgar? I want to be your assistant." Aaron asked tentatively.

Vanessa frowned, did not understand why Aaron didn't want the president of a small company, but want to follow her side as an assistant.

Suddenly, she realized something. Her eyes gradually became sharper, and her tone became colder.

'What are you up to?"

Realizing that Vanessa once again wrapped herself in a thick hard shell, Aaron knew that she misunderstood, so he explained, 'I'm not up to anything."

Vanessa did not believe it and still stared at him coldly.

Aaron saw her still indifferent face and felt speechless.

'If I have to come up with an agenda, I really do have one…"

Vanessa's gaze became completely icy cold.

But what Aaron said next made her small face even less expressive.

'I want to chase you, Lamb."

Vanessa, '?"