Chapter 85 Are You A Gigolo Or Not

After chattering a few words, Sebastian left the Phantom Court.

Aaron, on the other hand, was getting more and more upset. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became.

What was he?!

And then when he looked at Vanessa, who still had a blank face, he finally could not help it. He rushed to her and tried to reach out to stroke her head, but still dropped his hand at her cold gaze.

He smiled warmly, 'Lamb, if you marry into the Anderson family, what about me?"

Vanessa looked at him and pursed her lips.

What was he worried about?

The rumor had it that the young master of the Anderson family was going to die young. Even if she married that man, she could still support Dick's life.

Oh, she got it.

She took out a card. Then she sighed and patted Aaron's shoulder, 'Just go easy on the money."

Aaron, '…"

He wondered why with every question he asked, she could think it was because he was broke when that wasn't what he was asking.

Never mind.