Chapter 92 Rumor


Vanessa turned back and asked calmly.

The principal analyzed the trouble Vanessa had gotten into since she came to school and said in a serious way, 'Vanessa, our school may not be suitable for you, how about you find another better school?"

'No, thanks."

Vanessa said and left the office.

The principal looked at her back and let out a deep sigh.

After leaving the office, Vanessa walked in the direction of the classroom.

And not far from the Principal's Office, a few girls were muttering.

'Queenie, look, Vanessa is coming out!"

'She went into the principal's office and came out safe and sound so quickly?"

Queenie smiled, 'Hasn't she always been like this?"

The other girl thought about it, 'You're right. She's always been like this, having a poker face all day, like everyone owes her money. I've been sick of her for a long time!"