Chapter 104 She Belonged To The Darkness

Vanessa looked at the smile on Aaron's face faded, her heart gradually sank.


This man approached her in the beginning with some kind of purpose.

Look, didn't he admit it?

She turned her head to leave, but her arm was pulled by Aaron. She was about to struggle but was pulled harder by him.

Vanessa's clear eyes gradually stern up, and her tone was also light.

'Let go."


Aaron hurriedly said, 'Let me explain."

'What is there to explain?" Vanessa sounded distant, 'Should I call you Dick, or should I call you Aaron Anderson?"

Aaron's thin lips lightly pursed.

He didn't expect things to turn out this way either.

'Lamb, this whole thing is my fault." He sincerely apologized and his tone was downbeat, 'I admit that I approached you at first because I found you interesting, but since I found out that you are my fiancée, I am so happy to spend my life with such a nice little girl as you."