Chapter 115 Master And Apprentice

After checking old Mr. Anderson's treatment plan, Zachariah said implicitly to Vanessa, 'I think Miss Simmons looks a bit like a friend of mine, why don't we go out and catch up?"


Vanessa nodded.

Everyone in this ward had their own axes to grind

Old Mr. Anderson said, 'So it's decided then. From now on, Vanessa will be responsible for my treatment plan, which of you still have an opinion?"

Sybil clearly disagreed, 'Dad!"

'Shut up!"

Old Mr. Anderson's words were absolute authority, 'You were the one who started it, and now you are the one who is still nagging. It's okay you don't trust Vanessa, but the facts are in front of you, what else do you want to say?"

Sybil had only closed her mouth resentfully.

Meanwhile, her heart was full of dissatisfaction with Vanessa.

After this incident, Vanessa became the Anderson family's great merit!

She was about to leave in a huff, but Hancock pulled her back.

'Mom, don't be in such a hurry."

Outside the ward.