Chapter 136 Rebirth

Felton took Vanessa to an apartment under his name.

This apartment is located in the suburb. It was very secluded, with not many people around.

The apartment building was full of rosebuds with a faint fragrance.

They went into the apartment together.

As soon as Vanessa entered, she saw the documents piled up on Felton's desk, and it was thick, like a small mountain.

Felton was a little embarrassed, casually moved those piles of documents to the floor, and smiled, 'I've been too busy lately to clean up, sit."

Vanessa sat on the couch in a good manner.

Felton poured her a cup of hot milk, 'You don't need to clean up the mess, it's not your fault."

He called Vanessa over this time, mainly because he wanted to talk to her and didn't want her to have any psychological burden.


Vanessa nodded.

Originally, she had no psychological burden.

Big brother was good to her.

So she was not averse to spending time with him either.