Chapter 175 was finally approved

Her attitude is neither humble nor supercilious, which has aroused some affection from Talbot Anderson.

Naturally, Talbot Anderson couldn't get angry with the younger generation. He looked at Vanessa Simmons and his voice was faint.

"You are Vanessa Simmons?"


Vanessa Simmons replied.

The already warm atmosphere was made more embarrassing by two people.

Or did Jiang Xin come out to round the field: "Hehe... the meal is ready, why don't we talk while eating?"

At the dinner table.

Vanessa Simmons's gentle meal fell into Talbot Anderson's eyes and aroused some curiosity.

As far as he knew, Miss the Simmons family was not favored, so where did he learn this etiquette?

As soon as he wanted to ask, Aaron Anderson put a chopstick dish in his bowl.

"Dad, you eat vegetables."


Talbot Anderson had to bow his head and eat vegetables.

Talbot Anderson put another big chicken leg in Vanessa Simmons's bowl and coaxed it.

"Lamb, you are still growing up. Eat more."