Chapter 177 Breaking off Relations

"These things are naturally to be handed over to me for safekeeping."

Sebastian Simmons's high-sounding way.

Queenie Simmons frowned, and her heart was unbalanced. She pulled her lips and smiled. "Dad, if you take all these things away, sister, she won't want to."

"It is better to let things be kept first, so that Dad can rest assured that after a while, my sister will naturally forget."

Sebastian Simmons thought about it and thought Queenie Simmons had a point. "Well, do as you say."

Queenie Simmons's eyes flashed at once.

These bride prices are all for her alone!

Sebastian Simmons called for someone to move these things. The workers were halfway there when two people came, Vanessa Simmons and Aaron Anderson.

Vanessa Simmons's voice was cold. "Who allowed you to touch my bride price? Put it down."

The workers looked at each other, neither moving nor not moving.

Aaron Anderson's black pupils also leapt out of a few flames.