Chapter 214 I Believe You

Yan Ning immediately smeared oil on the soles of her feet and slipped away.

It's just Vanessa Simmons and Aaron Anderson.

Vanessa Simmons also clipped a deep-sea cod and put it on a clean plate.

"It's really delicious, try it."

Aaron Anderson looked at Vanessa Simmons.

Her eyes sparkled, like stars, and touched the softest place in a man's heart.

He picked up the fish and put it in his mouth.

"It's really delicious."

"Yeah, yeah."

Vanessa Simmons rarely said two more sentences, and his face was more vivid.

Aaron Anderson's lips overflowed with a smile.

When the fish was finished, he remembered that lamb had just been preoccupied with eating fish and let him be molested, and the smile on his mouth disappeared.

"Why didn't you get jealous just now?"

Vanessa Simmons didn't expect the man to suddenly ask this question and was silent for a moment.

"Don't you love me?"

Aaron Anderson took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and asked.

Vanessa Simmons: "…"