Chapter 268 Pick-up

After waking up, the plane landed and the stewardess's sweet voice sounded.

"Dear passengers..."

Su Cen dragged his suitcase, wore sunglasses, red lips and white teeth, and had a good face. With the flow of people coming out, many people walked beside him to pay attention.

I don't know, but I thought it was a low-key star.

The crowd was bustling, all of whom came to pick up the plane. Among so many people, Su Cen saw a slender man with a familiar face at a glance.

However, it is not his fiance, but Su Cen's brother, Felton Simmons.

Today, wearing a blue and white color matching, flaxen hair looks very smooth and meticulous, and it is conspicuous in the crowd, so Su Cen suddenly turned his head and saw each other.

Felton Simmons waved to her and shouted excitedly, "Suzen! This way!"

With a chuckle, Su Cen lamented that he had not seen Felton Simmons for several months.

Walking over, Felton Simmons took the suitcase from her hand very skillfully.