Chapter 287 Rumors

Time passed quickly and everything was back on track.

Su Cen goes to school as usual, because there are elective courses that must be taken for a week today.

Fu Xiaotuanzi has also been put at home for the nanny to take care of himself.

Holding the book, just stepped into the door of the classroom, Lauretta Lopez jumped up like a gust of wind.

"Su Cen!"

"Why did you come so early today? I thought you had to come later."

Seeing Lauretta Lopez, Su Cen smiled and walked in side by side.

"Don't say it, it's not because I set the alarm clock for an extra hour this morning, and then I found that it was only seven o'clock, but I can't sleep now. I just want to come to the classroom to find you. It must be here. Sure enough, I guessed it correctly."

Look at this proud little expression, Su Cen shook his head and smiled helplessly.