Chapter 292 Accidents

As it happens, Felton Simmons is doing business near the university at this time.

It took only ten minutes to get to this place and drive over.

What's more, this Queenie Simmons is a snot and tears on the phone.

However, after hearing the whole process, Felton Simmons was only worried that Queenie Simmons would harm Suzen.

So this hurried to come over without stopping.

A black Rolls-Royce suddenly sped over and splashed on the side of the road.

When Queenie Simmons saw Felton Simmons coming, he immediately ran over with his skirt. The whole person was still dusty. He had just been pushed to the ground, and his little face was covered with dust.

"Eldest brother! You finally came!"

Felton Simmons got out of the car frowning and pushed away people who wanted to climb up.

Instead, he looked at Su Cen, who was standing not far away, and asked in a heavy voice: "Su Cen, what's going on?"