Chapter 342 Accusations

But only one answer was obtained, that is, Queenie Simmons was indeed kidnapped.

Su Cen hung up the phone preoccupied.

Just about to go downstairs, I suddenly heard Felton Simmons's voice in the living room below.

At this time, it seems to be calling someone in the hall.

So he stood at the corner upstairs and listened silently to the corner for a while.

"I don't care what method you use. We in the Simmons family can't lose anyone now. I have just contacted the police to handle this matter with full authority. I believe there will be signs soon, and you will continue here..."

Felton Simmons's voice sounded very tired, but it was a little nervous.

It seems that today's events really hit him very hard, but I'm afraid ordinary people can't stand these huge blows one after another, and all of them happened in one day.

Su Cen wanted to open his mouth several times, but he could only swallow it forcefully in his throat.

After all, now is not the opportunity to come forward.