Chapter 354 Information

Felton Simmons was already very angry, and suddenly he was angry.

"What do you mean! Sebastian Simmons, why do you speak to me in that tone?"

"Do you think I lead all this?"

Sebastian Simmons held Queenie Simmons crying in his arms. At this time, he only sneered at Felton Simmons. "Then how do I know? After all, you are so eccentric now, and no one knows."

Two people immediately pulled the problem and quarreled.

Su Cen is very headache to look at two people quarreling as a bee.

There is a little worry in my heart.

Because no matter who is behind this matter, it is useless to argue here now. Not only can we not find out who it is, but it is a waste of time.

So while Felton Simmons and Sebastian Simmons quarreled, they took out their mobile phones from their pockets and told Aaron Anderson about it.

Subconsciously hope that each other can think of a way for themselves.