Chapter 367 Refusing to Enter the Door

Su Cen's face was like water, and his eyes were calm without waves.

The whole person seems to be full of MoMo, who refuses people thousands of miles away.

Auntie asked for trouble, and Shan Shan smiled and said, "That... there are things in my family, so you can talk slowly..."

After saying this, I took my dustpan and left quickly.

Joking, I played this lamb when I was a child, and I grew up even worse.

"You're back at last."

Aaron Anderson pulled out from behind a group of people at this time, looked at Su Cen and said with a smile.

He had already noticed the movement outside just now, but there was a group of people around him in front of him, which was blocked inside, and finally got a chance to come out.

I just wanted to give each other a surprise, but I didn't expect to die.

However, when Su Cen saw Aaron Anderson, there was no surprise in his heart, and his face suddenly became very ugly, and his hands were tightly clenched into fists.