Chapter 381 Consent

"Take this document and go to the vice president to sign it. No one is allowed to enter the office without my permission."


Aaron Anderson lifted his foot and walked into his office, smelling cold all over.

When he arrived at a quiet place, he picked up his mobile phone and paused and asked.

"What did Suzen say to you? She... didn't mention it to me."

"Anyway is to tell me to change the object, Aaron Anderson, why don't you two get married? A girl can't wait for you for a long time. Does your family disagree?"

"Indeed." Aaron Anderson stood in front of the French window and admitted sadly, "Because Su Cen also wanted to get married in a hurry, so he would say this to you."

"It's just that I haven't taken care of the people in my family yet."

Yan Ning was anxious: "It is not a way for you to drag on like this. Otherwise, I will pay attention to you. You will get a certificate with Su Cen, and the family will not tell you first, so that both sides will explain."