Chapter 390 Accidents

"Oh, hey."

Behind the two talking about the male students said very disdainful sneer.

It's just that the class is about to begin, and the teachers on the podium are ready, so the war stops inexplicably.

Sarah Miller turned his head and looked at Su Cen with great concern.

Thought she would be affected by this incident.

However, Su Cen's white face showed a very serious look, and now he was listening to the teacher's lecture, as if he didn't pay attention to everything around him at all.

Sarah Miller opened his mouth, thinking about what the other person said, but he didn't speak.

Ten minutes passed.

The students under the podium were drowsy, and only a few people were listening carefully. The teacher who was in class also noticed this problem and put down his textbook.

"Almost, let's invite some students to perform now."

"The second in the second row, come up and perform Shakespeare's play."

The students under the podium suddenly sat up in shock when they were dying!