Chapter 400 Palpitations

Sebastian Simmons was very excited to discuss this matter with Fu's family in the living room.

A few people together miscellaneous said delight.

Aaron Anderson watched the gap and took Su Cen directly to his room.

"Come on, let them discuss these things."

After saying this in an understatement, the two men then walked up the stairs together.

However, I didn't expect Aaron Anderson's bedroom to go down to the second floor.

"Why don't you live up there..."

Su Cen asked speechlessly as he went down the stairs.

There is a long corridor in front of us, which looks like a basement, except that there is a big window, and raindrops float in from the outside, and there is plenty of sunshine.

"After all, your husband is not an ordinary person. Go and have a look with me."

Aaron Anderson actually told a lie at this time, but noticed that the other party didn't find it at all, so he laughed it off and didn't continue to explain the reason.