Chapter 406 Anger

Su Cen's white forehead can't help but come up with a layer of fine sweat.

Sighing that the other person's brain circuit is a little strange, at the same time, he began to explain: "No, but I want to transfer half of my property to my husband, Aaron Anderson."

Wei Yu: "..."

A minute passed.

Two minutes will soon pass.

The person on the other end of the phone is like the time is still, "ah", and then never heard any response from the other end of the phone, which is estimated to be surprised to death.

"... Wei Yu, did you hear what I said?"

Su Cen knocked on the phone in unknown so, and didn't understand why the other party made so much noise.

"I heard it." Wei Yu just seemed to come to his senses and asked intermittently: "Su Cen, you have been obsessed with people recently. Why did you suddenly make such a big decision?"

What's more, who is Aaron Anderson?