Chapter 412 Cliches

Although he came to teach Aaron Anderson a lesson for his elder sister.

But the nature is not bad. At this time, the whole person was stunned for a while. He stood in place at a loss and looked at the weak Aaron Anderson in disbelief...

Is this man really a sick seedling that falls when the wind blows as rumored?

So, is the boldness of vision that scares people away thousands of miles just now fake?

Song Yue doesn't know what to do now.

"Young master!"

"Qi strange, just now I saw clearly here! Maybe I am dazzled?"


On the stairs above the villa, the housekeeper walked in a hurry, still looking for traces of Aaron Anderson.

Song Yue had already bitten his teeth at this time, and put a pale Aaron Anderson on his arm, stuffy in his heart, and then rushed to another direction.

Outside the villa, walking through the green bushes, there is a busy street outside.

In this land-rich area, there are very few pedestrians on the road.