Chapter 417 Exile

Aaron Anderson comforted her: "Don't worry, Su Cen, we will be a family after marriage."

After a lot of comfort, the two finally hung up the phone.

Su Cen made an own goal, felt a little shy, and finally compromised.

Then on a very sunny day.

I went out on a date with several sisters and told them about it. Su Cen felt that no one had told herself before that there was such a traditional custom.

Sarah Miller immediately opened his eyes wide, and the ice cream in his hand fell to the ground and melted all over the floor.

"No... shouldn't your focus be on you getting married?!"

Su Cen looked at Sarah Miller's particularly shocked appearance and suddenly felt a little incomprehensible.

"Why are you so surprised? I've already told you."

Yan Ning glanced at Su Cen and smiled proudly and said: "It seems that you are very satisfied with this marriage, but it is not thanks to the advice I gave you before!"