Chapter 426 Cooperation


Everything is going on normally.

Stocks rose steadily, and the surrounding data was among the best.

It highlights Wei Yu's ability.

Su Cen stepped into the office, and the sound of hair falling to the ground could be heard quietly around him.

"Still busy?"

She smiled, then pushed open the door and went in.

At a glance, I saw Wei Yu sitting at his desk and burying his head in processing documents.

However, when the other party saw her, he suddenly froze.

It took ten seconds to react. Wei Yu suddenly stood up. "Boss, why are you here?"

Su Cen went in: "Don't call me boss, just call me the previous name."

I always feel a little awkward when I listen like this.

"All right." Wei Yu just stood up and gave the public seat to Su Cen, and then went to the table and poured a cup of tea. "How can you come to the company today?"

"Naturally, there is an important thing, and this matter is in a hurry. I don't trust other people, so I personally came to discuss it with you."