Chapter 439 Investigation

Mrs. Fu raised her eyebrows irresistibly.

"You mean that girl Suzen is not satisfied with the dress you designed?"

"I am not satisfied." Anjonu said, "It's totally choosy!"

After hearing this sentence, Mrs. Fu's wrinkled face has been light and light.

I can't see happy or unhappy.

Anjo saw that his wife didn't speak for herself, and the whole person was going to be in a hurry at this time.

So I couldn't help crying and said: "Madam, look, this is obviously the contract signed between AS and us, how can it be fake, Miss Su... She asked me to change these plans in such a short time, isn't it embarrassing me?"

Mrs. Fu looked at the contract in her hand and immediately shook her head.

"I don't understand you young people either, but..."

Anjo looked up, a pair of eyes hoping to stare at Mrs. Fu to speak for herself.