Chapter 448 Infighting

Salt Island.

It is located in a group of islands, but fortunately these islands are not too far apart.

In this blue sea, a plop surprised the seagulls foraging on the sea.

Su Cen grasped the place where he landed on the water, and now he had fallen into the water.

Hurriedly looking back, Aaron Anderson happened to be behind him.

Except for a little pale face, everything else is going on normally.

"Not bad..."

Su Cen bent his lips, and I don't know why his heart suddenly touched.

But it didn't last long.

Looking at the endless sea ahead and the island not far from them, I bit my teeth and shouted behind me: "Aaron Anderson, come to the island with me!"

Aaron Anderson was not too far away. After hearing this call, he swam forward with all his might.

Because the distance is not particularly far, and the swimming skills of two people are very strong, it is easy to reach the island. Su Cen gasped and began to investigate the terrain.