Chapter 450 Oppression

"I believe you."

Aaron Anderson turned his head and trusted Suzen unconditionally as always.

The expression on his face is always so gentle...

Su Cen was moved to almost want to cry, but the shriveled mouth still held back.

Hanging his head over his face, he said, "Thank you... Aaron Anderson."

Thank you for standing by my side so sure.

"Hello! Why are you all sitting here?!"

Suddenly, with a click, one of the bodyguards came up and stepped on their fire without saying anything.

"If you have this time here, it is better to find me materials quickly!"


Then, their life was not easy, and these four or five bodyguards directly forced others to go to this desert island that had not yet been opened to look for materials.

Su Cen is not much better at this time, and Aaron Anderson is the richest.

So I was left behind by these bodyguards.