Chapter 471 Gossip


Su Cen didn't expect to hear this familiar voice here.

In a flash, I looked up and looked at myself with deep affection.

"Aaron Anderson? Why are you out here all of a sudden?"

Su Cen is undoubtedly very happy.

However, this happiness is mixed with a trace of surprise and confusion.

Aaron Anderson, with long hands and long feet, came to Su Cen without walking a few steps, took off his suit jacket and put it on the chair.

At the same time, he casually said, "I was worried that you would be alone in this place, so I came here immediately after I went back to deal with the things in my home."

"But this time is too urgent."

Su Cen stood up and looked at Aaron Anderson, who was obviously in a hurry all the way. There was a particularly complicated emotion in his heart.

"Sit down first and I'll pour you a cup of tea..."

Just words haven't finished, want to brush past but suddenly was a people embrace into the arms.