Chapter 480 Doubts

Mrs. Fu looked unhappy and tried to speak again and again. When she saw her son's face, she could only rot into her stomach.

Sure enough, Fu, who moved out as the head of the family, must be right.

"Come on, don't bother you to complain there all the time. I won't embarrass her again."

With a stare, Mrs. Fu turned and went up the stairs without looking so good.

Aaron Anderson raised his eyebrows, looked at the big table left, suddenly felt his appetite move, laughed, and then picked up his chopsticks and began to enjoy his dinner.

After a few days, I went to the old man to rest for a few days according to the agreement.

It's kind of giving them some time to calm down.

After all, if you push too hard, rabbits will bite.

After Su Cen returned home, he washed away his exhaustion and lay in the bathtub without moving at all.