Chapter 482 Performance

"All right..."

There is no way to be ground by the other party.

Su Cen finally had no choice but to agree.

"But first, I haven't tried film and television yet. I don't know if I can pass this time. Don't blame me if I run with you."

"I knew you were the best for me! Choumi!"

Sarah Miller's face suddenly raised a proud smile.

Caught off guard, he stole a kiss on Su Cen's face, and left his seat contentedly. He ran to the monitor to get the application form.

Su Cen looked at the back of each other's fart, and couldn't help shaking his head.

At the same time, the other side.

After teaching his mother a lesson that night, Aaron Anderson went to the old man's house as agreed, and coaxed people to be elated by the way.

There is just a problem in front of us, that is, the old man has a lot of interests. Recently, he likes fishing alone, saying that he will take Aaron Anderson to try the newly bought pole.

Aaron Anderson couldn't refuse, so he had to agree.