Chapter 485 Opposite Play

Su Cen had no choice but to pick up the script, browse it quickly and then play against each other under the gaze of these directors and cameras.

Scenario 1: Men and women meet at Magpie Bridge, and they talk privately with affection.

Su Cen looked at the script over and over again, quite speechless.

Another look, the front and their own play of Sven scum Quinton Richardson, now leave the words still come and?

"Let's go!"

The tutor said impatiently.

Su Cen had to pretend to wriggle and walked in the past, but his good-looking face suddenly squeezed out a smile: "Mr. Lang, you can let the slave wait!"

Quinton Richardson: "... well, my lady said very well, ah, that ha... I don't see you for a day like Sanqiu..."

"Dare to ask my lady, why didn't you bring magpies today?"


At present, this woman is serious and funny, which really makes him unable to hold back!

God knows, Quinton Richardson is about to suffocate internal injuries.