Chapter 512 Homeland


After Song Yue stopped laughing, he waved his hand.

"I don't care what your purpose is, but now, I have told you clearly about it. I don't know. Ask someone else."

When Aaron Anderson heard this, he sipped his lips tightly.

"You really don't know?!"

Song Yue's face has already been light and light. After listening to this, he couldn't help shaking his head: "I will tell you if I know. If I don't know, I don't know even if you tell me something."

"I'm sure you don't know."

Aaron Anderson's eyes flashed a gloom.

I didn't expect to come all the way to this island, but I didn't ask what I wanted to ask at all.

At this time also don't intend to ask again in a hurry, he took a faint look at Song Yue.

"In that case, don't disturb."

With this sentence, Aaron Anderson patted each other on the shoulder to show comfort.

Even if the other party has big opinions and bad feelings about himself.