Chapter 520 A Trance

Because Su Cen's performance today is too unlike her before.

Look trance, just like a puppet being manipulated.

Su Cen wry smile: "I don't know what happened to myself. If I really know, I won't be at a loss now."

Sarah Miller was speechless. Fortunately, she already knew the temperament of her best friend.

"There must be something that makes you feel very reluctant? If you think it is necessary, you can tell me that I can help you analyze things you don't understand."

"By the way, you don't have to feel shy. If you feel that you have premarital anxiety disorder, I can understand it! After all, everyone will feel it for the first time!"

"..." Su Cen shook his head: "Not as exaggerated as you said, but Aaron Anderson suddenly lost contact with me yesterday, and now I basically can't contact him."


Sarah Miller jumped up from the railing at once.

It's like the person who experienced it is himself.