Chapter 532 The Noisy Village

The villagers at the scene were emotional, and a stone stirred up thousands of waves.

The crusade suddenly came one after another.

The village head stared at the ruins of the old house with a face of displeasure. He smoked cigarettes one by one, and his hands were covered with calluses. At first glance, he often cultivated.

Although the old house is now uninhabited, the family gave the village head a sum of money a few years ago, asking him to keep it well and never move.

The village head held a heavy stack of money in his hand, and he grinned at that time, so he quickly agreed.

Therefore, after many years, the surrounding area has already been demolished and rebuilt. It has been decades for this old house to sit here without moving in the wind and rain.

These villagers don't know some of the reasons, but think that arson in the village is a dangerous thing, and this "pest" must be found out.

"Don't quarrel!"