Chapter 537 Wanted to Incriminate

Just now, the people who were crowded in a pile got out of the way.

After seeing the figure standing in the crowd, Song Yue instantly widened his eyes, and then said in disbelief: "… Aaron Anderson, why are you in our hometown?!"

The village head stood aside and froze. "So you two know each other?"

Away from the surrounding crowd, there is a man who stands out from the crowd. He can be found at a glance from these villagers, only because his temperament is really out of place.

Song Yue was only surprised for three seconds.

Then it took three seconds to react, and I felt my whole body blood flowing back, rushing to my cheeks from my heart, and then my eyes burned red.

Pinch a pair of fists crackling, this just angrily shook off the hands of the villagers who stopped themselves around, and walked towards Aaron Anderson step by step.

"Very well, now are you going to give us an explanation why you suddenly appeared in our hometown?"