Chapter 576 Winning

God damn it...

Valley micro a listen to his sister's words, the whole person immediately closed his eyes, on the forehead.

"Grain rain, I have told you before, racing is not a thing to touch!"

Grain Rain: "... I didn't mean to, brother, come and save us!"

"Now you know that you are afraid and now you know that you are calling for help? Was your mind flooded when you took people there before? Grain Rain, I tell you that if anything happens to Su Cen, I will not be able to keep you then!"

I taught Grain Rain a lesson again, asked the address, and Gu Wei suddenly hung up the phone angrily.

I can't help but worry in my heart. Others don't know that he is an employee who always understands his boss's mind.

Come to America this time, Gu Wei never saw that kind of gentle look on Aaron Anderson's face. At first glance, he knew that Aaron Anderson had moved his heart to Su Cen.

Maybe we should be the proprietress in the future.