Chapter 608 Intimacy

Su Cen leaned against each other's knees and subconsciously stretched out his bracelet around Aaron Anderson's neck.

"You have to eat this kind of vinegar. Wei Yu was originally a person under my hand. If I don't believe that my employees are ghosts?"

"Then I don't care, in your heart, I can only be installed forever, you know?"

Aaron Anderson suddenly seemed to be playing coquetry, rubbing up and down Su Cen's neck, like a big cat with warm swallow.

When you are not happy, you stretch out your claws and scratch her softly. Although it doesn't hurt, Su Cen still feels a little funny about such Aaron Anderson.

Only then did I reach out and touch Aaron Anderson very skillfully, just like touching Fu Xiaotuanzi, with a loving light in my eyes: "Be good, don't be jealous anymore..."

Aaron Anderson: "…"

Looking at Su Cen, how suddenly a pair of coax the expression of children, even feel, she is not as Fu small dumplings.

So Aaron Anderson's face was even more unhappy.