Chapter 611 Discussion


The surrounding discussion was silent.

Wei Yu helped her glasses.

"Well, that's it. I have nothing more to say. Now the meeting will be adjourned."

They just like a sigh of relief left the office.

The expression on his face looks wonderful.

However, among this group of people, Queenie Simmons wiped the sweat on his forehead at this time, and came out with a forced smile, followed by Zhou Jie.

"Hey, Wan Wan, who do you think will do this?"

Also somehow, Zhou Jie suddenly turned his head and asked Queenie Simmons, who was in a daze beside him.

Queenie Simmons suddenly got a big fright. After reacting, he tried to suppress the expression on his face and replied stiffly: "How can I know this? Maybe it is because Wei Yu's ability is not enough that he will lose the opportunity to bid this time, but blame us..."

Zhou Jie a listen to that also got, a nervous will people's mouth to cover, a few people this just walked to the company corridor above.