Chapter 628 Thugs

However, Aaron Anderson frowned and looked at Suzen.

"It doesn't matter if you go, I will blow on the balcony, and I will come to you after it's over."

Su Cen worried about each other's eyes, this just faint smile, with the hand patted Aaron Anderson taut muscle arm.

Sign the other party to stop worrying and nervous.

"That is, are you afraid that I will eat them both here?"

Wang Bo also casually inserted a word.

Wang Ye's face suddenly sank down, hating iron and not producing steel warned his son, but don't run amok, after all, this evening is a dinner party.

When the time comes, if it is shameful, it will be really...

Wang Bo looked at his father. I can't help but have a little fear in my heart, but my arrogant thoughts have never stopped at all, and I have ignored them at this time.

After all, people are already placed around now, and there is no such shop after passing this village!