Chapter 638 Injuries

Instead of being tortured to death by this man here.

It's better to die with him.

Su Cen had already made a decision in an instant.

Just when she was ruthless and began to exert herself.

The door of the warehouse, which was originally in jeopardy, was suddenly knocked open by a very powerful force!

Su Cen subconsciously turned his head, instantly on a pair of eyes, just also emerged in the mind of the face at this time suddenly appeared in front of him!

Is it a dream?

If it wasn't a dream, how could I see Aaron Anderson when I was dying?

After breaking the door of the warehouse, Aaron Anderson saw Su Cen standing in front of him with a scar on his face. A hanging heart was put down at the center, and his eyes were full of distress. "Su Cen..."

"Sorry I'm late..."

Su Cen blinked, only to find out that what is the dream at the scene, but what really happened in front of his eyes, Aaron Anderson, is also true.

And the police who filed in from outside the door at this time.