Chapter 654 Sad

"Since I am a college classmate, how can I appear in my master's former residence?"

Song Yue wondered, maybe this man has something else to do?

Aaron Anderson: "I suspect he started the fire, but let's not talk about it for the time being. I caught him before and searched several books from his hand, one of which mentioned 'Medicinal Bath'."


Song Yue suddenly brushed the ground and propped up his body from the table. "Do you mean this man has this book in his home? What is his name?"

"Quinton Richardson."

Aaron Anderson's eyes suddenly became very deep, thinking of the entanglement with this man all the time since this month.

And what happened between them.

Suddenly, it seems that Su Cen, a college classmate, is not so simple.

"Quinton Richardson... family members, I still seem to have a little impression of what you said."

Although Song Yue sounds familiar, no matter how Aaron Anderson asked, he didn't recall what happened before, and finally he had to give up.