Chapter 656 Tough

Su Haoran: "Stop blaming yourself and wait for a while."

Two big men, leaning against the hospital stool at this time.

Two people sat on the stool together, staring at the opposite emergency room uniformly, and the lights above were like the mood at this time, clearly extinguishing and flickering.

I don't know how long it has been.

From dawn until dark, the emergency room door was pushed open.

However, it was not the doctor who came out, but a little nurse in a hurry. Aaron Anderson almost subconsciously brushed and stood up from his seat. "How's it going?!"

The voice is still shaking, and it is also in a hurry.

Su Haoran also stood up with a frown. Two well-proportioned men looked good and nervous. The little nurse didn't know who to say at this time.

"The patient's condition is very dangerous, and there is a lot of blood loss now. Which one of you is the relative of the patient?"


Su Haoran asked, "Is something wrong with my sister?"