Chapter 664 Bathing

Su Cen was so serious for the first time because of his injury.

So the recovery is slow.

She didn't want to find a nurse, so Aaron Anderson stayed in the ward day and night, taking care of Su Cen.

Two people just got married, and when their feelings were very strong, they lived under the same roof, so it was inevitable that their guns would go off accidentally.

Especially today, Su Cen feels thirsty and wants to use Aaron Anderson to go out and buy snacks for himself. Aaron Anderson is not happy. "Your current physical condition is not suitable for snacks, otherwise I will make you another green vegetable porridge?"

Su Cen forehead suddenly three black lines fell, "Don't, of course I don't dislike your cooking, but I can't always rice congee every day? In this way, people's tastes will fade..."

However, no matter how Su Cen persuaded, Aaron Anderson was unmoved, saying it was for Su Cen's physical consideration, so he wouldn't go to the commissary at all. Buy snacks for her.