Chapter 669 Jealous

"I'm really sorry. I couldn't help it just now. I didn't mean to laugh at you, but I couldn't help it. You know?"

Song Yue endured again and again, and there is no need to endure at this time.

In the face of such a thick-skinned Aaron Anderson, he can't say anything at the moment, just want to greet each other's faces with his fist!

But Aaron Anderson backhand to suppress people, easily mentioned him as if carrying a chicken, immediately threw aside, this just clapped his hands and laughed.

"Stop fooling around. I have a married relationship with your sister. There is no need to explain anything to you."

"Besides, since we are both married, isn't it reasonable to do something that adults should do?"

Song Yue: "... it's shameless! You can say such a fucking thing?"

"It's not a shame that I can't say anything, but you, such a big person still bumped into the ward, so don't do this next time, ah."

Aaron Anderson walked over and patted Song Yue on the head.

Song Yue: "..."