Chapter 704 Crying

As soon as Sebastian Simmons arrived at Salt Island, Queenie Simmons burst into tears and told what happened to him here.

Song Yue didn't bother to see the father and daughter here, so he ran away without thinking.

But according to what Su Cen said, he was a little vigilant in his heart and arranged for several people to keep outside the door.

"Dad, I really don't want to stay in this shitty place," Queenie Simmons said at this time. "You can get me back."

"But I can't help it now..."

Sebastian Simmons suddenly hated iron and sighed. "If you do such a thing, even if I want to give you out, I can't do it. Now Su Cen's power is big, and even I am helpless."

Sebastian Simmons recalled that he had wanted to go abroad before, but somehow his passport suddenly went wrong at the police station.

In the end, although it took a lot of effort to solve this matter, it was finally investigated that Su Cen was involved in it.

Sebastian Simmons was almost furious like a puffer fish.