Chapter 709 Late


The surroundings were instantly silent, and then a gentle mockery made passers-by sound.

"Sorry, I'm really sorry, you were too petite to stand here just now, I didn't see it!"

"Classmate you which class, why don't you go to class? Do you want to play basketball with your brothers?"


Su Cen finally stabilized his body, stood up against the wall, and looked at these tall sports students in front of him, his eyes were slightly cold.

Look at her staring at herself without saying a word. The boy who took the lead just now, with a height of 1.9 meters, looked down at Su Cen.

"Why, it looks as if you are a foreigner? Can't you understand what we are saying?"

His companions around him couldn't help laughing.

Mark: "Damn it!"

He watched his compatriots bully Su Cen in front of him, and cursed in a low voice, just like getting up from the last row and slipping out.

However, before moving, I suddenly heard a particularly crisp applause from the front.