Chapter 711 Examinations

After swallowing a mouthful of spittle, Mark was very depressed.

The professor didn't care so much. There was a ruthless light on his cold glasses and he lifted his feet into the classroom.

Just now, the chirping classroom suddenly became silent, and the whole classroom was silent.

Su Cen followed behind with a clever face and went in.

Mark stood aside and rubbed his hands nervously. "Su Cen, are you really going to go in for the exam?"

"Or else?"

The arrows are all on the string and have to be fired.

Mark looked at her sympathetically. "The devil is not just talking. You are killing yourself by doing so."

Su Cen: "... I'm sure. Why don't you believe me so much? Are you still my friend?"

Mark: "It is because you are friends that you know that you haven't been to class for a week. You can't cope with the exam now."

Su Cen blinked: "Then you will open your eyes and have a good look later. I must take this off."

Mark: "Hey!"