Chapter 721 Strange Things

However, the next moment, they actually saw a spoiled smile on the face of the iceberg president in front of them! ! !

This is absolutely no less than in a certain cinema, and suddenly saw the ghost film on the edge, which was as strange as himself.

They suddenly shuddered...

Sebastian Simmons looked at Suzen.

The two finally drove all the way back to the Simmons family.

Su Cen held the mobile phone and looked at it with a smile-

Husband: I see.

Husband: "Little Fox Kiss"

Perhaps I feel that the previous sentence is a little cold, and it seems that it is not very close to human feelings.

Aaron Anderson held the mobile phone, and then found a suitable picture from his 100-year-old expression pack and sent it. He didn't know how to use it.

I just saw that all the young people around me were using this to send messages, so I pondered for a moment and sent it after thinking about it.