Chapter 731 Old Love

Master Su Cen is also a very proud person.

I can't be insulted like this.

Therefore, after repeated trade-offs, Xu Wei gave up this relationship, left her hometown, and went to live alone in other places.

So I finally met Su Cen...

Separated from the memories, Fu father looks trance, Su Cen also don't know how to comfort, can only smile helplessly whispered: "So, so it is because of this..."

But now, even if we know the result, what will happen?

I didn't expect the master to have a relationship with the old man before.

"Girl, I'm really embarrassed to let you see jokes."

Fu wiped a handful of tears.

"Originally, these are old events. In principle, they should no longer be mentioned to you younger generations. For a while, I saw photos touching the scene and couldn't help it..."

It's not still nostalgic, after all, it's been decades.

Father Fu may just have a little regret.

"Now your master..."

Su Cen hung his eyes: "My master died a few years ago."