Chapter 738 Bankruptcy

The workers' explanation is obviously very simple and straightforward.

At that time, there were so many workers working, but each was responsible for his own duties, and there were often no one or two at the bottom.

The deceased, that is, Zhou Lin.

Why do you want to go alone and easily collapse to the bottom?

In order to explore this reason, Su Cen finally decided to go to the mine.

Aaron Anderson did not trust her, originally also wanted to follow, but did not expect Su Cen refused, instead a person walked to the mine.

The mining work stopped, and now there is almost no one in this mine. At the beginning, Zhou Lin died in this place because of the landslide.

Su Cen raised his eyes and stared around with a frown.

It's a very conventional building, and there are no signs of fracture around it.

It is dark around the mine, but it is obvious that there is a road ahead, and lights are placed around it, so it is not easy to get lost even at night.