Chapter 744 Vessels

"What are you still doing there? Hurry to bring people out. It's really exhausting to take a boat for a day. Hurry and arrange a place to rest."

Felton Simmons stood where he was with an impatient look.

Fu night providence pointed to a look, Su Cen also immediately understand.

I'm embarrassed and shy when I put it aside.

If she wants to get on the boat and see who this mysterious veil is.

Su Cen pushed Aaron Anderson away and climbed into the boat. His skill was neat and his movements were vigorous. When he got gossip, his little face flushed and he looked very excited.

Looking at the side of Aaron Anderson is full of eyes of spoil.

Felton Simmons watched all this, shivering all over, and felt the goose bumps on his arm about to get up.

"Don't chirp in it, take people down quickly..."

Felton Simmons's impatient voice suddenly rang in his ears.