Chapter 746 Experts

Before, people on this island walked in 7788.

Therefore, many places have been emptied.

Su Cen chose two nearest rooms, which were not comparable to the five-star hotel outside, but looked much better than the ordinary homestay.

She decided to stay on the island to investigate, and immediately started. While dealing with Queenie Simmons, Felton Simmons felt that there might be a chance to investigate on the island. He thought that the monitoring on the island could be repaired for the time being.

So two experts came over a long way.

Su Cen had just finished breakfast with Aaron Anderson. He stayed alone in the room, his fingers knocking on the keyboard. Things in the company were very busy.

Su Cen thought about it and finally didn't disturb each other.

He crept out of the bedroom with an empty plate, then closed the door, walked to another room in the corridor, and reached out and knocked on the door.

"Brother, are you up?"

Inside suddenly came the sound of slippers.